Wednesday 3 September 2008

A Year Review

Not that I can quite believe it, but one year ago today I started work at n:flame. The past 12 months have shot by. When I took the job I said that I would do it until the summer and then decide from there. I currently have no desire to go anywhere, so am going to see it out for another academic year.

Its been an interesting year. The biggest thing to overcome was getting used to the change of job. I moved from a very fast paced, highly demanding job with five staff and looking after over 70 companies to following God's call and working in a much quieter, relaxed environment. It took a while to get used to it, but knowing everyone at n:flame helped me to feel at home almost straightaway.

Roy was unfortunately ill for 5 weeks just after I started, so I had to get used to things very quickly. In that time our new office arrived and I got to make a mark on the new space and didn't feel like I was filling someone elses shoes. We were donated a fancy colour printer within the first month and this meant that all of our publications could be in colour, a nice coincidence to me taking over and looking like I'd brought in some bold changes!! ☺

The highlights from this year were getting involved with leading a school CU with Lewis; seeing our GAP year boys change, grow and mature in their faith; finding my knowledge of God deepening and finally, feeling I was in the place God had called me to.

I've made some really good friends within the team, people who support me in good and bad times. Of which there have been both this year. There are far too many good times to mention and the worst things are the failed relationship that I had higher hopes for and Roy being made redundant.

Following the change in staffing I have had to step up and take more responsibility. It is still not as much pressure as I used to have in my last job, but I think that I had got too comfy in my role and was shocked when the hierarchical carpet was pulled from under me. All we have done as a team is trust God during this time, even though we don't always understand the changes.

Things I hope for in the next year include...feeling personally more confident in my new role...feeling strong enough to stand up for things without Roy there to do it for me...successfully working alongside and mentoring the new GAP students...feeling that I am able to make a difference in the work that I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its been a great year......and as the song also says "things can only get better!"