Monday 21 January 2008

Active Thinking

Our usual Monday morning worship, prayer, talk was shaken up today. It was taken over and made a lot more creative. It gave us something to really focus on and I got a lot out of it, with the theme of God's faithfulness.

We looked at parts of Isaiah 49 and had the option of writing on our own hand in permanent marker. The word I wrote is very relevant to 'that thing/subject' that I have constantly on my heart.

16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands - Isaiah 49.


Amanda said...

The person who led that session must have been really creative... or a real geek.

Lovely to have lunch with you.

Roothie said...

She is a geek! Thats a good description, are you close?!

Roy said...

the geek did of the best sessions we have had in a while