Tuesday 21 July 2009

Sad Times

The academic year with work came to an official end tonight. Despite the rain washing out our BBQ plans, we had a lovely fun evening. (if you are on facebook the photos can be viewed here.) It has been my first year overseeing the GAP Team and I have enjoyed it so very much! With four out of the team of nine going back to their home overseas and one moving abroad for a year, it is sad to be hit with the realisation that I will not be surrounded by this awesome bunch of people each week. They have been a great team and I have shared much fun and laughter with them all. Obviously there will be a new team in September, but the reality of part of my job has kicked in; I am spending a year with these groups of people, investing and helping them to grow in themselves and their faith, for them to move on! I know obviously that is what a GAP year is all about, but last years bunch are all still local and I still see them. It may be years before I see the international members of the 2008-9 team again. Sad times...


Suse said...

Sad Times indeed but also exciting times! They are off to do cool things...

I've found God brings these cools people into my life for a short period of time and moves them on (normally to another country). Sure is a painful experience!

Roy said...

and as for facebook viewing - humbug