Monday 2 February 2009

Snow Day

SNOW IS MY FAVOURITE THING! Hooray for snow days! I had such fun today. I did not want to attempt to drive to work, and my Mum (even though I am almost 28!) phoned and said that I was not allowed to! With Boris cancelling all of the buses I had no way to get to work! All that left me to do was go out and play! I spent all day with my friends Jaymie & Steve. After pelting me (as the poor defenceless girl) with snow we set about to make a snowman! I have never made a giant snowman before. We took over the shop garden. I was proud of our efforts, until the boys carved breasts into it and made it a top heavy snow woman! Jaymie set about building an igloo in my little section of garden. It looked really good, but as the garden is a concrete paradise I am concerned about melting and flooding issues!! The Enfield Oasis threesixty team came over in the afternoon and after more snowball fun in the concrete paradise we headed up to Hilly Fields armed with one ikea tea tray!!! It made for bad sledging, so the boys made a massive snowball. It was going well until it got stuck in mudball and when we did push it out the force of bumping down the hill towards the river caused it to break! Never have I seen grown lads so sad about a ball of snow! All in all it was a fun day.

More snow pictures can be seen by clicking on this photo and going to my Flickr site.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think the snowman looks a bit like your dad!!!!!