Sunday 27 July 2008

New Garden

I've lived in my little flat for almost four years now. I love it, however the back garden used to get me down, such a big space going to waste with over grown weeds and little use out of it from the shop below.
This is what the garden looked like when I first moved in!! We have weeds that will not die off and they take over the garden. My landlady has them cut down, but they eventually grown up again. After dinner at a good friends house and much garden envy on my part, she encouraged me to do something about my desire for outside space and my vague mumblings about fencing an area off in my wasteland garden.

I spoke to my landlady and she was happy to let me do this, create a small area for my own use. The garden at this point looked like this...

Some weeding to do i thought, but do-able! I did my homework and spent an afternoon on my day off trawling round B&Q and Crews Hill. Was trying to work out how to put together a non permanent space that was not on show to shop staff etc. I found all the bits I needed and set to work with my friend Caroline and my Dad. A big help was my landlady getting all the weeds cut down again the week before, it saved us a lot of work! I'm so pleased with the space. Here is a diary of the work so far in photos...

Yes the garden as a whole may be a tip (the bags of rubbish are soon to be removed!), but I now have my own little outside area to relax in. Its been less than 48 hours, but I've already sat out there with three different friends who have popped by to visit! I just need to purchase plants now!! (and maybe a little BBQ!) I'm on a very tight budget, but so far everything has cost me less than £100! I know the plants will bump up the cost, but not bad going for a small area of 'paradise'. :-)


Unknown said...

Your welcome to come and practice on my garden any time you want!

Well done anyway.

Suse said...

yey!! Go you! xxx

Unknown said...

Oh no you've made it rain! - if we have no more summer now it will be your fault!