Wednesday 9 July 2008

Film Review

I was looking forward to seeing this film. I am quite a Will Smith fan and the trailors made it out look like a good film...

I wouldn't say that I was disappointed, but I didn't feel totally happy that I had seen a good film when the credits went up. I think I have become very cynical about films that are not totally straight forward. I've probably said this in a previous blog post, but my ability to suspend the disbelief is getting less and less. It was a fairly original storyline and the insight to a 'non-perfect' superhero was interesting. The conclusion of the film for once was not the hero flying off with the girl. The twist (which I won't ruin) in the film was good, however I failed to follow some of the history surrounding it. My main question (for those who know what I am talking about) was how did they both survive in the city and surrounding areas before?!

The 'a***hole' and 'crazy' references were far too 'don't call me chicken in Back To The Future' for me, but still made for good audience reaction throughout the film. The majority of the other funny moments were all included within the trailor, so not many left to amuse the audience. Biggest laugh surrounded the over kill of 'good job' and being incredibly 'P.C' towards a rescue victim.


Unknown said...

Seen this one. I think sometimes it 's easy to be a little over picky about films that are aimed at being merely entertainment. Hancock was purely a situation comedy and doesn't stand detailed analysis of the story line. I remember doing the same with Star Wars where they are waiting for a moon to get out the way so they can destroy a planet with their planet killer - why not just blow up the moon, then the planet? Sometimes you just have to take things for what they are.

Roothie said...

Its the film student in me coming out!!