Sunday 23 March 2008

Through A Childs Eyes

Amanda uses so many examples from her little boy Daniel. Things she sees through him, examples of how he views things etc. More recently (I think) he has started to recognise me, (as his favourite special Aunty of course.) On occasions he has run towards me, seen me from far away and sat pointing, trusted me to be with him over others, etc.

As normal I have linked this into a relationship with God. To most people God is something far away and untouchable. To those who have a relationship with Jesus, it is something that builds up over time. We get to know this person gradually, learning each day along the way. We recognise new things that we know is God. He must experience joy when we acknowledge Him, just as I do with Daniel. Its only a small thing, but through stuff like this I can appreciate how much God loves us.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Daniel is my greatest teacher. He was tickling his forehead with his toes last night. I don't think he can teach me that trick though!