Wednesday 26 March 2008


I sadly witnessed a racial fight yesterday in the area where I work. I did not intend on front row seats, it just so happened that I bumped into an old friend and we stopped to chat right where the action took place five minutes later. It stemmed from something that wasn't even worth fighting about. It involved a pedestrian of one race and two boys in a car of another race. The boys in the car made a fight out of it. They were clearly up for making trouble and that's what they eventually caused. It took strangers to come running and break up the fight instead of peers who had come along to join in. Me and my friend decided to part our ways once the group was dispersed. I walked off thinking how sad it was that something that could have been resolved with simple self control or an apology, blew up into such drama. So many people in our world who we walk alongside on the street as strangers need something more in their lives, more than causing a fight for something to do.

(Only minuscule comedy moment was one of the boys attempting to kick one of the others, missing and falling on the floor!!)

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