Friday 7 November 2008

Horne & Corden

As a massive fan of James Corden, the chance to go and see his new joint comedy show with Mat Horne was very exciting for me. (for those who don't know who I am talking about they are the two guys from gavin & Stacey) Their new show is called Horne & Corden. Their stuff was quite funny. I was more excited by the fact that the Corden family were sat behind me. I was interviewed with some other people for the dvd, whether they'll use it or not is another matter!

One of the character sketches they did live was called YPC, aka Young Peoples Church. I wasn't sure if I would find it offensive but it was quite funny. The quirky things they picked up on were interesting from a Christian point of view. The characters were supposed to be young guys trying to be overly cool. The phrase 'J Chrissle' had me especially laughing. If you have an open sense of humour I would reccomend to watch it when the show is on BBC3 next year.

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