Wednesday 8 October 2008

Film Review

I rarely cry at films, but this got me blubbing!! I was warned by a friend of mine in advance! I think because this obviously was far from fiction that it made me quite distraught! It was quite scary how they portrayed the influence and propaganda used by the nazis and how this affected the whole nation, especially the young daughter of the Commander. I also liked the flip side being shown in the attitude of the Commander's mother, she did not agree with what was going on and would not support her son's job.

The innocence of the boy's view on the concentration camp was heartbreaking, along with his fear of the Lieutenant and the other soldiers. The actor playing the servant in the house set me off, the fear in his eyes as he worked for the household never quite knowing what was going to happen.

This film in my opinion was very well produced. All of the characters had an English accent, but then as my friend pointed out as we left the cinema, why would any German actors wish to be in a film such as this! My only gripe is that I could not find a film poster for this online, not even cinema sites have a poster for it, all very odd!! (found one and changed it on 20.7.09!)

1 comment:

Roy said...

you may have convinced me to go and watch it!! ;-)