Thursday 8 March 2012

This Is Me

What do we do when things do not go the way we hoped? We believe and trust what people say to us and then in an instant those things we thought were stable are suddenly not. I think it is sometimes difficult to not become tough and cynical over the years when the things we dream of have not yet happened, or have come crashing down around us.

I have not discovered the art of protecting my heart yet, in both friendships and relationships. There was recently a quote on Call The Midwife which resonated very clearly with me, "You have to be brave to be in love, don't you? I mean, knowing that your heart may get broken, some point along the way."

I do wonder if I or anyone will ever find the trick to caring without being hurt? If you fill your life with people, then you absolutely run the risk of those people potentially hurting you at some point.

I sadly currently write this from a very difficult and raw place where I have found myself very hurt and for very unfair reasons. It makes me wonder why we have to be hurt to learn some lessons! Surely there is a better way of doing this? As my current situation involved a partner, I look at friends of mine who have only ever been in one relationship and have never experienced heartbreak at any level. Why do some people who desire to share life with someone so badly have to go through so much to get there?

But then the flip-side of this is that we daily hurt the person who hand-made us in love. God created us to love one another, but we don't always do that. I am guilty of being an awful friend at times. But I have been amazingly blessed with brilliant friends. Some of this links with my previous blog; if I didn't have God and my good friends, what I am experiencing right now would be so tough on my own. I also know that I must hurt God by talking to my friends instead of Him. I'm working on the right balance. I am certain though that I can be 100% real with both!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

With you there gal!