Thursday, 19 November 2009

Slowly, but surely...

I want to encourage everyone that it can be done. Loosing weight isn't that difficult when its done right and properly. Eating well and doing a small bit of exercise regularly is all I have been doing. I'm now over halfway through my weightloss goal. ☺

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Food For Thought

I found these quotes online. I really liked them, as hard as they are to live out...

"Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone; to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But God to the Christian says, "No, not until you're satisfied and fulfilled and content with living, loved by me alone and giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me, to have an intensely personal and unique relationship with Me alone.”

"I love you, my child, and until you discover that only in me is your satisfaction to be found, you will not be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you. You will never be united with another until you are united with Me-exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any other desires or belongings.”

"I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and allow me to bring it to you. You just keep watching me, expecting the greatest things. Keep learning and listening to the things I tell you. You must wait.”

"Don't be anxious and don't worry. Don't look around at the things you think you want. Just keep looking off and away up to me, or you'll miss what I have to show you."

“And then, when you're ready, I'll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than any you would ever dream. You see, until you are ready and until the one I have for you is ready, I am working this minute to have both of you ready at the same time, and until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I've prepared for you, you won't be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me, and this is perfect love.”

"And Dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love. I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with me, and to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty and perfection and love that I offer you with myself. Know I love you. I am God Almighty, believe and be satisfied."

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Sombre Day

Yesterday the ashes of my Uncle were scattered. It was the first time I had ever been witness to such a ceremony. It is always a lot more glam on TV; on a beach or off the back of a ship or something! It was on my family's plot with just me my Mum and my Aunt. We all wish we had prepared something to say or read, but I got the chance to say a little prayer on my Aunts request. It was a moving time for us all, but I was glad I could be there with both of them as they said goodbye to their brother.

Sunday, 8 November 2009